A NSW Government website

Declaration of critical habitat for Mitchell’s Rainforest Snail (Thersites mitchellae) in Stotts Island Nature Reserve

The endangered Mitchell's Rainforest Snail (Thersites mitchellae) is found only in remnant areas of lowland forest between Ballina and Tweed Heads in north-east NSW. Stotts Island Nature Reserve, in the Tweed River near Murwillumbah, provides the largest single area of remaining habitat and largest known population of the species.
Publisher: NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service
Cost: Free
Language: English
ISBN: 0-73136-4074
File: PDF 549.32 KB / Pages 27
Name: mitchells-rainforest-snail-stotts-island-declaration-of-critical-habitat.pdf
Tags: Threatened speciesStotts Island Nature Reserve

The NSW Minister for the Environment has declared Stotts Island Nature Reserve as critical habitat for this species under the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995.

This is the first critical habitat declaration in NSW and will contribute significantly to the conservation and recovery of the snail and its habitat.