A NSW Government website

Hill End Historic Site Conservation Management and Cultural Tourism Master Plan

Hill End Historic Site, located in central west NSW, has its origins in the mining and gold rush boom of the 19th century. It continues to be a living village and holds significant historic heritage value.
Publisher: Office of Environment and Heritage
Cost: Free
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1-74293-632-1 / ID: OEH20120387
File: PDF 18.91 MB / Pages 88
Name: hill-end-historic-site-conservation-management-master-plan-volume-1a-120387.pdf
Tags: Master planFinal

Hill End Historic Site was reserved under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 based on its exceptional heritage significance to New South Wales and Australia. The historic site contains part of the picturesque village of Hill End set amongst native woodland habitat within a tablelands landscape of rolling hills. The site also encompasses the outlying Golden Gully, areas of the Tambaroora Village, Valentine Mine and the Cornish Roasting Pits.

The Hill End Conservation Management and Cultural Tourism Master Plan was publicly exhibited in 2012 in draft form, finalised in 2013 and endorsed by the NSW Heritage Council in the same year. This plan comprises a suite of documents including a conservation management plan, a landscape management plan and a cultural tourism and recreation management plan. These documents guide conservation efforts for this unique historic site.

Documents to download:

Visitor information

Discover life during the gold rush at Hill End Historic Site. Explore heritage buildings and mine relics.