BioNet web services release notes November 2023
(Release 3.4)
This release covers updates to the Threatened Biodiversity web service to capture major changes to a single field in the VegetationClassification_PCTDefinition entity set.
Publisher: Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water
Cost: Free
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1-923132-11-5
ID: EHG20230337
File: PDF 1.7 MB / Pages 6
Name: bionet-release-notes-web-services-3-4-230338.pdf
BioNet is the repository of biodiversity data maintained by the NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water and contains species sightings and systematic survey, vegetation classification, and threatened biodiversity data used by a wide range of organisations. The BioNet web service initiative is progressively making the data held in BioNet open and available to developers via open application programming interfaces (APIs). The BioNet Web Service enables organisations and individuals to directly integrate biodiversity data into their software systems and unlock the innovation potential of this valuable community-owned data asset.