Macquarie-Castlereagh Long-Term Water Plan Part B: Macquarie-Castlereagh planning units
The Macquarie-Castlereagh Long-Term Water Plan Part B describes the flow regimes required to maintain or improve environmental outcomes in the Macquarie-Castlereagh at a planning planning unit scale.
Publisher: Department of Planning, Industry and Environment
Cost: Free
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1-925974-98-0
ID: EES20200087
File: PDF 2.97 MB / Pages 134
Name: macquarie-castlereagh-long-term-water-plan-part-b-planning-units-200087.pdf
To manage the complexity of the Macquarie–Castlereagh Water Resource Plan Area (WRPA), the Macquarie–Castlereagh Long-Term Water Plan (LTWP) has been divided into 28 planning units (PUs). This document, which forms Part B of the LTWP, provides the following local-scale information for each PU:
- The location of priority environmental assets identified as part of LTWP development.
- The ecological values, including native fish and waterbird species, native vegetation communities and cultural water-dependent assets that occur within the PUs priority environmental assets
- Objectives for native fish, showing relevant species. The objectives for each planning unit are outlined in Part A of the LTWP (Appendix A). Only native fish objectives are again shown here as these are highly species specific, so the species are listed with the objectives here.
- For ‘key regulated PUs’, environmental water requirements (EWRs) to support key ecological values and related LTWP objectives and targets that are presented for representative gauge/s in the planning unit.
- For PUs that are ‘unregulated or have significant unregulated sections’, an evaluation of the impact of water resource development on local hydrology and recommended management strategies for mitigating these changes to meet LTWP objectives and targets.