Conserving historic signs
Conservation guidelines for historic signs and new signs on heritage buildings
These guidelines have been developed to assist property owners, heritage practitioners, heritage advisers and local government agencies to identify and assess the potential cultural significance of historic signs and to assist in the management and conservation of significant signs.
Publisher: Department of Planning and Environment
Cost: Free
Language: English
ISBN: 1-92112-1068
File: PDF 2.63 MB / Pages 29
Name: conserving-historic-signs-conservation-guidelines-2006.pdf
Historic signs are an important cultural heritage resource, and the conservation of significant painted signs or name signs should be considered by property owners, heritage practitioners and government authorities. They are a resource which gives insight into our society over the past 2 centuries more than just the physical and historical records of a building.
Some historic signs have become part of a cultural landscape and have value within a contemporary community, often more so than the physical limitations of a structure or town. Signs may contribute to understanding the social value of a place or heritage building.