Livingstone National Park and State Conservation Area Plan of Management
Livingstone National Park and Livingstone State Conservation Area are located 30 kilometres south of Wagga Wagga on the south-west slopes of NSW and cover a total area of 2,458 hectares.
Publisher: Department of Environment and Climate Change NSW
Cost: Free
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1-74232-051-9
ID: DECC20080620
File: PDF 188.42 KB / Pages 52
Name: livingstone-national-park-plan-of-management-080620.pdf
Livingstone National Park and Livingstone State Conservation Area contain a diversity of vegetation communities that provide habitat for up to 15 threatened fauna species and one threatened flora species. They also contain a number of Aboriginal sites which contribute towards the understanding of Aboriginal culture as well as historic sites associated with mining in the area for a range of minerals.
A network of public access trails in the park and state conservation area provides for recreation activities such as vehicle touring, horse riding, cycling, bushwalking and bird watching.
Photo: Livingstone National Park. Credit: Jo Caldwell/OEH