NSW Environmental Trust Annual Report 2020–21
In 2020–21, the Trust spent more than $62 million to deliver environmental projects.
Publisher: Department of Planning, Industry and Environment
Cost: Free
Language: English
ISSN: 1445-3177
ID: EES20210311
File: PDF 7.33 MB / Pages 80
Name: environmental-trust-annual-report-2021-210311.pdf
This year the Trust provided more than $62 million for the delivery of environmental projects through research organisations, industry, community groups, Aboriginal organisations and government agencies.
Funded projects included biological weed control, feral animal control, and reducing waste and its environmental impact, with further support for rehabilitating bushfire-affected areas and re-establishing habitat. In addition, the Land Acquisition Program acquired over 107,000 hectares, with funds helping to secure an addition to Cudgen Nature Reserve on the north coast, which will bring greater, permanent protection for our precious koalas.