A NSW Government website

Culgoa National Park Plan of Management

Culgoa National Park is located in north-western NSW, 40km west of Goodooga and 100km north of Brewarrina. The park was reserved in 1996 and has an area of 22,430 hectares.
Publisher: NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service
Cost: Free
Language: English
ISBN: 0-73136-581X / ID: NPWS20030114
File: PDF 184.98 KB / Pages 48
Name: culgoa-national-park-plan-of-management-030114.pdf
Tags: Plan of managementFinal

The park protects a section of the Culgoa River and associated floodplains. It conserves several vegetation communities which have been extensively cleared or modified by agriculture in nearby areas and are otherwise poorly represented in NSW reserves.

Inland riverine woodlands and open grasslands such as are found in Culgoa National Park are important habitats for a number of species which are threatened in NSW, including the plant Capparis loranthifolia and animals such as the Australian bustard, grey falcon, painted honeyeater, pink cockatoo, brolga, koala, striped-faced dunnart and little pied bat.

The national park lies within Morowari country and contains a significant number of Aboriginal sites including open camp sites and scarred trees. The landscape of the park is important to local Aboriginal communities and management of the park will actively involve Aboriginal people.

European heritage in the park is associated with the three pastoral properties that make up the park and includes homesteads, shearing sheds, tanks, bores and fences.

The diversity of the natural and cultural features of the park earned the World Wide Fund for Nature’s “New Reserve of the Year Award” for the best addition to Australia’s conservation reserves in 1997.

Photo: Culgoa National Park. Credit: Ian Brown/OEH.