A NSW Government website

Protecting the future of the Darling River

Water for river health

The Darling River is part of a connected system and work is ongoing to protect and enhance the plants, animals and processes that are essential to the future of this river system.
Publisher: Department of Planning, Industry and Environment
Cost: Free
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1-76039-769-2 / ID: EES20190604
File: PDF 1.39 MB / Pages 2
Name: protect-future-darling-river-190604.pdf
Tags: Fact sheetFinal

Healthy rivers are the lifeblood of inland New South Wales. They support social, economic and environmental outcomes.

In regulated rivers, the future of these important ecosystems relies on the responsible management of water. In NSW, the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment works in partnership with communities, landholders, researchers, non-government organisations and allied government departments to maintain and support the health of rivers and wetlands.

Note: Originally published in May 2017; republished in May 2020 with updates to branding.