A NSW Government website

Commercial fishing access policy

We can license commercial fishers and people practising aquaculture to access locations that are not open to the public.


Under the National Parks and Wildlife Regulation 2019 (NPW Regulation), a person needs consent from the park manager to drive a vehicle on roads, tracks or areas in a national park that are not otherwise open to the public.

The NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) can issue commercial fishers vehicle-based permits to provide such access. This meets the needs of the commercial fishing and aquaculture industry while ensuring that NPWS fulfils its responsibility to manage parks for the whole NSW community.

Key points for permit applicants

  • You can apply for a commercial fishing vehicle access permit online.
  • One permit can cover many parks and tracks.
  • Each vehicle requires a separate permit, and the permit must be displayed on the vehicle while it is in a park.
  • Vehicle-access permits have standard conditions, but additional conditions may be imposed in some areas to minimise impacts on park values.
  • You must hold a current commercial fishing or aquaculture licence and public liability insurance to the value of $10 million.
  • There is no fee for permits but you must pay any park use fees that apply to other visitors.
  • Permits are valid until the end of the financial year, 30 June (maximum 12 months).
  • A permit can be renewed by applying again, unless there has been a problem with its use.
  • You will need to clearly identify the area you want to access. You can do this by describing it in writing, giving coordinates, including a map, or all 3.
  • You will also need to provide identification and the registration details of your vehicle.
  • We aim to process initial applications within 21 days. We will notify you in writing whether your access has been approved or refused, or if we need more information to process your application. If you need to change your access requirements, you can re-apply online.
  • If you are unsure whether the area you want to access is open to the public, please contact your local NPWS office.
