A NSW Government website

Biodiversity experts

Biodiversity expert requirements can include species assessment and expert application processes to provide specialised input in Biodiversity Assessment Reports.


Biodiversity experts

A biodiversity expert is someone that the Secretary of the department (or their delegate) has approved to prepare an expert report for inclusion in a Biodiversity Assessment Report.  

Biodiversity experts have specialised knowledge to provide an expert opinion about an individual threatened species on a site to: 

  • determine its likely presence or absence
  • identify its habitat without survey  
  • estimate its density and map the extent of habitat.  

Biodiversity experts do not need to be an accredited assessor or have attended Biodiversity Assessment Method training.

Expert reports

An expert report relates only to species credit species. NSW BioNet houses information on the credit type for a threatened species.

The species expert must determine:

  • the likely presence or absence of the species  
  • if present, map the species polygon.  

Learn about biodiversity experts in Box 3 (in section 5) of the Biodiversity Assessment Method (BAM) 2020.

NSW BioNet

Applying for biodiversity expert status

To be listed as an expert, individuals must make a submission describing their credentials to the Secretary or delegate.  

The submission must address all the following criteria:

  • academic qualifications such as relevant degrees and postgraduate qualifications  
  • history of experience in the ecological research, habitat assessment and survey method for the relevant species  
  • a resumé detailing projects pertaining to the survey of the relevant species (including the locations and dates of the work), their employers' names and periods of employment (where relevant) over the previous 10 years  
  • peer-reviewed publications on the species or other evidence that the person is a well-known authority on the species to which the survey relates (the assessor cannot act as a referee for the proposed expert for this purpose).

Applications will only be considered for projects that require an expert report to be prepared.

Preparing an expert application

Applicants should prepare a separate submission addressing the above criteria for each individual species for which they are applying for expert status. Applicants should attach each submission to the application form.  

The submission(s) and its application form should be:

We may contact the accredited assessor to confirm a current case in preparation.  

Download the BAM 2020 biodiversity expert application form (PDF 138KB)

List of approved experts

The Secretary of the department may: 

  • publish a list of experts – this is not intended to be comprehensive and may have conditions and limits on the expert listing (for example, restrictions to certain regions of New South Wales)
  • remove people from the list if, in their opinion, the person no longer has the specialist knowledge or if they behave unprofessionally – before removing people from the list, the person will be notified and given adequate opportunity to respond.

A person not on the published list of experts may be contracted to prepare an expert report but must be approved by the Secretary of the department (or delegate) before any Biodiversity Assessment Report is submitted that relies on expert report outcomes.  

Showing all data for Species name's
Species nameSpecies common name Expert name Details
Acacia bynoeana Bynoe's wattle Dr Steven Douglas
Acacia flocktoniae Flockton wattle Steven Douglas
Acacia meiantha Colin Bower
Acacia meiantha Steven Douglas
Acacia pubescens Downy wattle Dr Steven Douglas
Adelotus brevis Tusked frog Dr Francis Lemckert
Anthochaera phrygia Regent honeyeater Dr Stephen Debus
Anthochaera phrygia Regent honeyeater Ross Crates
Caladenia tessellata Thick-lip spider orhcid Graeme Bradburn
Caladenia tessellata Thick-lip spider orhcid Brian Towle
Callistemon linearifolius Netted bottle brush Dr Steven Douglas
Callistemon linearifolius Netted bottle brush Dr Stephen Bell
Calochilus pulchellus Pretty beard orchid Brian Towle
Cercartetus nanus Eastern pygmy-possum Dr Martin Schultz
Chalinolobus dwyeri Large-eared pied bat Michael Pennay
Chalinolobus dwyeri Large-eared pied bat Greg Ford
Commersonia rosea Stephen Bell
Corunastylis sp. Charmhaven Brian Towle
Cryptostylis Hunteriana Leafless tongue orchid Dr Stephen Bell
Cryptostylis Hunteriana Leafless tongue orchid Brian Towle
Delma impar Striped legless lizard Robert Speirs
Dillwynia tenuifolia Dillwynia tenuifolia Dr Paul Rymer
Diuris praecox Rough doubletail Dr Stephen Bell
Diuris tricolor Pine donkey orchid Dr Stephen Bell
Eleocharis obicis Spike-rush Neville Walsh
Eucalyptus parramattensis subsp. parramattensis Dr Stephen Bell
Genoplesium baueri Bauer's midge orchid Brian Towle
Genoplesium isigne Brian Towle
Grevillea juniperina subsp. juniperina Juniper-leaved grevillea Dr Peter Weston
Grevillea parviflora subsp. Parviflora Small-flower grevillea Peter Olde
Haliaeetus Leucogaster White-bellied sea eagle Dr Stephen Debus
Heleioporus australiacus Giant burrowing frog Dr Francis Lemckert
Heleioporus australiacus Giant burrowing frog Ross Wellington
Hibbertia fumana Hibbertia fumana Robert Miller
Hibbertia procumbens Spreading guinea flower Dr Stephen Bell
Hibbertia puberula Hibbertia puberula Robert Miller
Hieraaetus morphnoides Little eagle Dr Stephen Debus
Hoplocephalus bitorquatus Pale-headed snake Michael Shelton
Kennedia retrorsa Stephen Bell
Keyacris scurra Key's matchstick grasshopper Professor Michael Kearney
Lathamus discolor Swift parrot Ross Crates
Litoria aurea Green and golden bell frog Dr Francis Lemckert
Litoria aurea Green and golden bell frog Garry Daly
Litoria aurea Green and golden bell frog Ross Wellington
Litoria aurea Green and golden bell frog Professor Graham Pyke
Litoria brevipalmata Green-thighed Frog Dr Francis Lemckert
Litoria brevipalmata Green-thighed frog Dr Francis Lemckert
Litoria castanea Yellow-spotted tree frog Dr Francis Lemckert
Litoria littlejohni Littlejohn's tree frog Dr Francis Lemckert
Litoria littlejohni Littlejohn's tree frog Ross Wellington
Lophoictinia isura Square-tailed kite Dr Stephen Debus
Marsdenia longiloba Slender marsdenia Peter Richards
Melaleuca deanei Deane's paperbark Dr Steven Douglas
Meridolum corneovirens Cumberland Plain land snail Dr Stephanie Clark
Miniopterus schreibersii Little bent-winged bat Michael Pennay
Mixophyes balbus Stuttering frog Dr Francis Lemckert
Mixophyes balbus Stuttering frog Ross Wellington
Mixophyes iteratus Giant barred frog Dr Francis Lemckert
Myotis Macropus Southern myotis Michael Pennay
Neobatrachus pictus Painted burrowing frog John Read
Ninox connivens Barking owl David Milledge
Ninox connivens Barking owl Dr Stephen Debus
Ninox strenua Powerful owl David Milledge
Persoonia nutans Nodding geebung Dr Steven Douglas
Petaurus norfolcensis Squirrel glider Dr Rodney Van der Ree
Petaurus norfolcensis Squirrel glider David Sharpe
Phascogale tapoatafa Brush-tailed phascogale Dr Rodney Van der Ree
Phascogale tapoatafa Brush tailed phascogale Dr Rodney van der Ree
Phascolarctos cinereus Koala Dr Stephen Phillips
Pimelea curviflora var.curviflora Pimelea curviflora var curviflora Elizabeth Norris
Pimelea spicata Spiked rice-flower Elizabeth Norris
Pommerhelix duralensis Dural land snail Dr Stephanie Clark
Prasophyllum petilum Tarengo leek orchid Colin Bower
Prasophyllum petilum Tarengo leek orchid Dr Stephen Bell
Prostanthera junonis Somersby mintbush Dr Stephen Bell
Pseudomys desertor Desert mouse John Read
Pseudophryne australis Red-crowned toadlet Dr Francis Lemckert
Pseudophryne australis Red-crowned toadlet Ross Wellington
Pteropus poliocephalus Grey-headed flying-fox Michael Pennay
Pterostylis chaetophora Dr Stephen Bell
Pterostylis saxicola Sydney Plains greenhood Dr Peter Weston
Pterostylis ventricosa Brian Towle
Pultenaea pedunculata Matted bush-pea Dr Steven Douglas
Rhodamnia rubescens Scrub turpentine Dr Stephen Bell
Setirostris eleryi Bristle-faced free-tailed bat Michael Pennay
Synemon plana Golden sun moth Robert Speirs
Tetratheca juncea Black-eyed Susan Dr Colin Driscoll
Thelymitra adorata Wyong sun orchid Dr Stephen Bell
Thelymitra atronitida Black-hooded sun orchid Belinda Pellow
Thersites mitchellae Mitchell's rainforest snail Dr John Stanisic
Turnix melanogaster Black-breasted button-quail David Milledge
Tyto novaehollandiae Masked owl David Milledge
Tyto novaehollandiae Masked owl Dr Stephen Debus
Tyto tenebricosa Sooty owl David Milledge
Uperoleia mahonyi Mahony's toadlet Dr Simon Clulow
Vespadelus troughtoni Eastern cave bat Michael Pennay
Vespadelus troughtoni Eastern cave bat Greg Ford
Ninox strenua Powerful owl Dr Stephen Debus
Tyto tenebricosa Sooty owl Dr Stephen Debus
Myotis Macropus Southern myotis Greg Ford
Calyptorhynchus Lathami Lathami Glossy black-cockatoo Michael Barth
Aprasia parapulchella Pink-tailed Legless Lizard Robert Speirs
Synemon plana Golden sun moth Cheryl O'Dwyer
Hoplocephalus bungaroides Broad-headed Snake Ross Wellington

Note: Where an expert has a region next to their entry in this table, they are only approved for projects in the local government areas within that region. 

For more information, please refer to the list of regions and local government areas below.

Regional operations – regions and local government areas
RegionLocal government area
Hunter/Central CoastCentral Coast Council 
Cessnock City Council 
Dungog Shire Council
Lake Macquarie City Council 
Maitland City Council 
Muswellbrook Shire Council 
Newcastle City Council
Port Stephens Council 
Singleton Council
Upper Hunter Shire Council
North EastBallina Shire Council 
Bellingen Shire Council 
Byron Shire Council 
Clarence Valley Council 
Coffs Harbour City Council 
Glen Innes Severn Council 
Inverell Shire Council 
Kempsey Shire Council 
Kyogle Council
Lismore City Council 
MidCoast Council 
Nambucca Shire Council
Port Macquarie-Hastings Council 
Richmond Valley Council 
Tenterfield Shire Council
Tweed Shire Council 
Uralla Shire Council 
Walcha Council
North WestBathurst Regional Council 
Blayney Shire Council 
Bogan Shire Council 
Bourke Shire Council 
Brewarrina Shire Council 
Cabonne Council
Central Darling Shire Council 
Cobar Shire Council 
Coonamble Shire Council 
Cowra Council
Dubbo Regional Council 
Forbes Shire Council 
Gilgandra Shire Council 
Gunnedah Shire Council 
Gwydir Shire Council 
Lachlan Shire Council 
Lithgow City Council
Liverpool Plains Shire Council
 Mid-Western Regional Council 
Moree Plains Shire Council 
Narrabri Shire Council 
Narromine Shire Council 
Oberon Council
Orange City Council 
Parkes Shire Council 
Tamworth Regional Council 
Walgett Shire Council 
Warren Shire Council
Warrumbungle Shire Council 
Weddin Shire Council
IllawarraKiama Municipal Council 
Shellharbour City Council 
Shoalhaven City Council 
Wingecarribee Shire Council 
Wollongong City Council
South EastBega Valley Shire Council 
Eurobodalla Shire Council 
Goulburn Mulwaree Council
Queenbeyan – Palerang Regional Council 
Snowy Monaro Regional Council 
Snowy Valleys Council 
Upper Lachlan Shire Council 
Yass Valley Council
South WestAlbury City Council 
Balranald Shire Council 
Berrigan Shire Council 
Bland Shire Council 
Broken Hill City Council 
Carrathool Shire Council 
Coolamon Shire Council
Cootamundra – Gundagai Council 
Edward River Council 
Federation Council 
Greater Hume Shire Council 
Griffith City Council
Hay Shire Council 
Hilltops Council 
Junee Shire Council 
Leeton Shire Council
Lockhart Shire Council 
Murrumbidgee Council 
Narrandera Shire Council 
Temora Shire Council
Wagga Wagga City Council 
Wentworth Shire Council
SydneyBayside Council 
Blacktown City Council
Blue Mountains City Council 
Burwood Council
Camden Council 
Campbelltown City Council
Canterbury – Bankstown Council 
City of Canada Bay Council 
Cumberland Council
Fairfield City Council 
Georges River Council 
Hawkesbury City Council 
Inner West Council
The Hills Shire Council 
Hornsby Shire Council 
Hunter’s Hill Council 
Ku-ring-gai Council 
Lane Cove Council 
Liverpool City Council
Mosman Municipal Council 
North Sydney Council 
Northern Beaches Council 
City of Parramatta Council 
Penrith City Council 
Randwick City Council
City of Ryde Council 
Strathfield Council 
Sutherland Shire Council 
City of Sydney Council 
Waverley Council 
Willoughby City Council 
Wollondilly Shire Council 
Woollahra Municipal Council