A NSW Government website

Quarantine Station

These management plans outline our strategy to protect and adaptively reuse the North Head Quarantine Station in Sydney Harbour National Park.


The North Head Quarantine Station, part of Sydney Harbour National Park, is a group of heritage buildings on a 30-hectare site near Manly.

From 1832 to 1984, it served as a quarantine station. When ships and passengers arrived at the port carrying or suspected of carrying infectious diseases, they were isolated at quarantine stations, which were established at all major Australian ports.

For some immigrants, their first experience in Australia was staying in a quarantine station. During its life, 580 ships were detained at North Head and more than 13,000 people were quarantined.

Now, you can find accommodation, tours, restaurants and facilities for conferences and events at the site. Visit the Q Station website for more information.

Quarantine Station review of environmental factors for ongoing operations

NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service granted consent in December 2024 for the ongoing operations at Quarantine Station as per the review of environmental factors submitted by the Lessee, North Head Sydney Pty Ltd. The review was put on public exhibition from July to September 2024.

View the review of environmental factors.

Quarantine Station management plans

The following plans outline the direction for the management of the conservation and adaptive reuse project of the North Head Quarantine Station in Sydney Harbour National Park.

Visitor management plan

The Quarantine Station visitor management plan (2005) outlines the strategy for visitor access, security and emergency evacuation at the Quarantine Station.

Monitoring reports

Read the Quarantine Station monitoring report 2017 to 2022.

Environmental management plan

This includes plans for controlling erosion and sedimentation, managing noise and handling waste:

Conservation works program

This details the external paint scheme and the first stage of the conservation works:

Heritage landscape management plan

The Heritage landscape management plan (PDF 16.8MB) (2006) includes a master plan for managing the heritage landscape and conserving inscriptions.

Internal fitout plan

This outlines the internal fitout plan and the final cost schedule:

Integrated monitoring and adaptive management

Read Integrated monitoring and adaptive management.

Interpretation plan

The Quarantine Station – Interpretation Plan (PDF 2.7MB) provides a plan for the conservation and adaptive re-use of the North Head Quarantine Station.

North Head Quarantine Station comprehensive audits

These are audits conducted every 5 years since the commencement of the conservation and adaptive reuse project:

North Head Quarantine Station annual environmental reports

Annual environmental reports summarise the operational performance of the conservation and adaptive reuse project at the North Head Quarantine Station.

Copies of these reports are available via the Q Station website.

Additionally, you can request an emailed copy or pick up a physical copy at the Middle Head or Forestville NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service office. To arrange this, please contact [email protected].


Contact us

NPWS Sydney North

Email: [email protected]