BioNet Web Services Release notes February 2022
(Version 3.3)
This release covers updates to the Threatened Biodiversity web service to capture major changes to a single field in the VegetationClassification_PCTDefinition entity set.
Publisher: Department of Planning and Environment
Cost: Free
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1-922767-38-7
ID: EES20220064
File: PDF 756.83 KB / Pages 8
Name: bionet-web-services-release-notes-february-2022-release-3-3-220064.pdf
This release covers updates to the Threatened Biodiversity web service to capture major changes to the Threatened Biodiversity module in BioNet Atlas, in line with Biodiversity Assessment Method updates, and has corrections to the BioNet Species Names and BioNet Vegetation Classification Web Services.