A NSW Government website

Middle Head and Georges Head Master Plan

Sydney Harbour National Park

This master plan supports and complements the strategic framework and policies of the Sydney Harbour National Park Plan of Management 2012.
Publisher: Office of Environment and Heritage
Cost: Free
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1-76039-801-9 / ID: OEH20170258
File: PDF 26.8 MB / Pages 76
Name: middle-head-georges-head-master-plan-sydney-harbour-national-park-170258.pdf
Tags: Master planFinal

Middle Head and Georges Head are jewels within the stunning array of open space that adjoins Sydney Harbour. The headlands offer a unique combination of natural features and reflect a number of phases of Sydney’s cultural history. Intrinsic to Middle Head and Georges Head is a sense of retreat and release from urban Sydney made possible by the place’s largely undeveloped and low key character. This master plan seeks to reconcile these fundamental values with a level of access that can encourage visitation and usage enabling a broad cross section of users and visitors from across Sydney and beyond to enjoy this special place.

The master plan identifies that key environmental management works are required to address issues such as erosion and weed encroachment and ensure that the natural values of Middle and Georges Heads are protected and enhanced.

The Draft Middle Head Master Plan was exhibited for public comment in 2016 and approved in 2017. 76 submissions received and considered by National Parks and Wildlife Service and a summary report is provided. The consultation page contains more details about feedback received.

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