A NSW Government website

Animal Ethics Committee

The Animal Ethics Committee is responsible for assessing, approving and monitoring all animal research and education activities carried out by department staff. This is required under the NSW Animal Research Act 1985 on behalf of the agency head.

Animal research and teaching within the department

The Animal Research Act 1985 regulates all research and education activities involving live non-human vertebrates and cephalopods in New South Wales.

The legislation aims to ensure that animal research and teaching projects are conducted ethically and fully consider the welfare of animals used in the activities. All research and teaching activities must comply with the:

  • Animal Research Act 1985
  • Animal Research Regulation 2021
  • Australian code for the care and use of animals for scientific purposes (NHMRC 2013).

The Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water's animal research and teaching activities include a range of projects that involve the capture and handling of wildlife (native and introduced) as well as those that use observational techniques (such as bird surveys, spotlighting or remotely operated cameras).

The purpose of the research is usually related to improving our knowledge and management of native and introduced animals in the landscape of New South Wales.

The department's Animal Ethics Committee

As an accredited animal research establishment under the Animal Research Act, the department operates an Animal Ethics Committee to oversee all animal research and teaching activities performed in the department. 

This committee is a diverse body comprising both external and internal department members and is constituted according to the Australian code for the care and use of animals for scientific purposes.

There are 4 categories of membership, with multiple members in each category. Each category member brings a unique perspective on animal welfare and ethics. A chairperson leads the committee.

Categories of Animal Ethics Committee membership

  • Category A – a person with veterinary science qualifications who is recognised for registration as a veterinary surgeon in Australia.
  • Category B – a person with substantial and recent experience (within the last 5 years) in the use of animals for scientific purposes relevant to the department and the business of the committee (wildlife research). This must include possession of a higher degree in wildlife research or demonstrated equivalent experience.
  • Category C – a person with a proven commitment to, and experience in, advancing animal welfare, who is not employed by or otherwise associated with the department. They are not currently involved in the care and use of animals for scientific purposes. While not representing an animal welfare organisation, the person should, where possible, be selected based on active membership of and endorsement by such an organisation.
  • Category D – a person not employed by, or otherwise associated with, the department. They have never used animals in scientific or teaching activities. This category’s purpose is to provide a completely independent view to the committee.

The Animal Ethics Committee’s purpose

The Animal Ethics Committee must review and approve all animal research and teaching projects by department staff and monitor these activities.

The review process involves the Animal Ethics Committee making a thorough ethical assessment of the proposed project and balancing the potential benefits to humans, animals and the environment with the potential impact on the wellbeing of the animals involved.

Contact us

If you have any concerns or queries about a department animal research or teaching project, please email us at aec@environment.nsw.gov.au.

Contact us

Animal Ethics Committee

Email: aec@environment.nsw.gov.au