There are 8 National Parks and Wildlife Service regional advisory committees across New South Wales, with members appointed in a voluntary capacity. The terms of current members end on 30 June 2026.
Community members are highly valued for their independent advice on policies and plans, activities and proposed activities, draft plans of management, and their community advocacy roles in helping to achieve the objectives of the Act.
Regional advisory committee members
A regional advisory committee consists of at least 12 members, but not more than 17 members.
Committees include at least 2 Aboriginal people, a person jointly nominated by the Nature Conservation Council of NSW and the National Parks Association of NSW, and other people who, in the opinion of the Minister, have qualifications, experience and expertise in one or more of the following:
- local government
- community involvement in conservation
- Aboriginal cultural heritage
- scientific qualifications (conservation biology, wildlife management or related disciplines)
- rural or regional issues
- agriculture and rural issues (being a person nominated by NSW Farmers)
- ecotourism or ecologically sustainable visitor or tourist use, enjoyment and appreciation of reserves
- environmental education
- non-Aboriginal cultural heritage conservation.
Email [email protected] for more information on the Blue Mountains Regional Advisory Committee.
Committee members
- Mr Gregory Chapman
- Mr Richard Delaney
- Mr William (Bill) Dixon (Chairperson)
- Ms Nina Gallo
- Ms Cara George (Deputy Chairperson)
- Mrs Sharyn Halls
- Mr Adam Hawken
- Ms Althea Kannane
- Ms Madi Maclean
- Mr Andy Macqueen
- Mr Craig Martin
- Ms Fiona Meller
- Ms Heidi Ploeg
- Mr Trevor Woolley
Email [email protected] for more information on the Greater Sydney Regional Advisory Committee.
Committee members
- Mr Alex Allchin (Deputy Chairperson)
- Ms Sherrie Anderson
- Mr Rob Brewster
- Mr Robert Conroy
- Mrs Kathryn Cox
- Dr Kirsten Crosby
- Ms Kumkum Dubey
- Mr Darren Duncan
- Mr Brian Everingham (Chairperson)
- Mrs Rhonda Lenardon
- Mr Paul Lidgard
- Mr Luke Murtas
- Assoc Prof Julie Old
- Mr Samuel Swain
- Mr Allan Teale
Email [email protected] for more information on the Hunter Central Coast Regional Advisory Committee.
Committee members
- Ms Cassie Bremner
- Mr Art Brown
- Ms Kendal Caynes
- Mr Kevin Duncan
- Ms Jane Frances (Chairperson)
- Mrs Janene Hamilton
- Ms Jessica Leck
- Dr Elizabeth McEntyre
- Ms Suzanne (Sue) Olsson
- Miss Arielle Saunders (Deputy Chairperson)
- Mr Christopher Sheed OAM
- Mr Andrew Smith
- Prof Mark Sutherland
- Mr Chris Tola
- Mr Joe Townsend
Email [email protected] for more information on the North Coast Regional Advisory Committee.
Committee members
- Dr Rosemary Black
- Dr Christopher Carr
- Dr Grahame Douglas
- Mr Stephen (Steve) Fuller
- Ms Jeanette (Jan) Olley
- Ms Sandra (Sandy) Pimm
- Mrs Rhonda (Anjilkurri) Radley
- Miss Petra Seysener-Judd
- Dr Adam Smith
- Ms Kim Stephan
- Mr Brett Tibbett
- Mr Peter West
Email [email protected] for more information on the Northern Inland Regional Advisory Committee.
Committee members
- Prof Jeremy Bruhl
- Mrs Rosemary Curtis
- Mr Michael Davis
- Ms Wendy Hawes
- Mr Bryan Johnston (Chairperson)
- Mr Graham Lightbody
- Mr Lancelot (Peter) Lloyd
- Mrs Allison Mudford
- Mr Timothy Norton
- Mrs Sally Osland
- Mr James Rainger
- Mr Graham Sawtell
- Mr Peter Shinton
- Mr Simon Smith
- Mr Ben Vincent (Deputy Chairperson)
- Mr Jason Wilson
Email [email protected] for more information on the South Coast Regional Advisory Committee.
Committee members
- Mr Julian Armstrong
- Prof William Buttemer
- Mr Grahame Byron
- Dr Penny Davidson
- Mrs Lynette Goodwin
- Dr Meredith Henderson
- Ms Jane Madden
- Mr Michael McGrath
- Dr Kevin Mills (Chairperson)
- Ms Paula Pollock
- Mrs Jacqueline Puckeridge (Deputy Chairperson)
- Mrs Julia Short
- Mr Mark Stubbings
- Mrs Yvonne Thomson
Email [email protected] for more information on the Southern Ranges Regional Advisory Committee.
Committee members
- Dr Phillip Andrew
- Ms Stefanie Bonat
- Miss Suzanne Bulger
- Ms Rachel Clarke
- Dr Tracey Dickson
- Ms Megan Graham
- Mr Christopher Griffiths
- Mr Alistair Grinbergs
- Ms Linda Groom
- Mr Peter Hill
- Mrs Ursula Lang
- Mrs Felicity Anderson (Deputy Chairperson)
- Ms Ant Packer
- Mr Ian Pulsford
- Mr Ted Rowley (Chairperson)
- Ms Dianne Thompson OAM
- Dr Frank Ingwersen
Email [email protected] for more information on the West Regional Advisory Committee.
Committee members
- Dr Michael Augee
- Mr Lynton Auld
- Ms Nicola Chandler
- Mr Geoff Chapman (Chairperson)
- Mr Adrian Davey
- Mr Lachlan Gall
- Mrs Diana Hoffman
- Dr Jonathon Howard
- Ms Dianne Kelly
- Ms Yvette Myhill
- Mrs Karen Potter
- Mrs Michelle Pryse Jones
- Mr Bruce Reynolds
- Mrs Marie Russell AM (Deputy Chairperson)
- Mr James Williams
Regional advisory committee administrative regions
Under section 24 of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974, the department's Secretary is to divide the state into administrative regions. A regional advisory committee is to be constituted for each administrative region.
The administrative regions for the 8 regional advisory committees are aligned with the 8 National Parks and Wildlife Service park operations branches.

Map of New South Wales showing the operational branches of the National Parks and Wildlife Service
Follow each Regional Advisory Committee link below for a detailed map of the administrative region for which it was constituted:
- Blue Mountains (PDF 883KB)
- Greater Sydney (PDF 729KB)
- Hunter Central Coast (PDF 745KB)
- North Coast (PDF 708KB)
- Northern Inland (PDF 742KB)
- South Coast (PDF 709KB)
- Southern Ranges (PDF 783KB)
- West (PDF 832KB).
Why join a regional advisory committee?
When regional advisory committee members were asked about the value of being on a regional advisory committee, they volunteered a broad range of comments, including benefits such as:
- the satisfaction of having effective input into plans of management for local national parks and other planning strategies
- field excursions to view planning issues with National Parks and Wildlife Service staff
- being involved in the planning process from the very start, with the pre-draft stages of planning, all the way through community consultation to the completion of the plan
- being part of a group that liaised with the local community over a difficult issue, gaining an understanding of the issues involved and developing a solution
- gaining an increased understanding of National Parks and Wildlife Service planning processes, getting to know staff and becoming familiar with local national parks
- consulting with Aboriginal people about cultural heritage conservation
- gaining an appreciation of how National Parks and Wildlife Service staff have coped with drought, pests, and fire, often working with park neighbours to tackle problems.