Minor amendments (flora)
28 Feb 2025
Minor amendment to the lists of threatened flora in the Schedules of the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016.
The NSW Threatened Species Scientific Committee, established under the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 (the Act), has made a final determination to amend the list of species in Schedule 1, of the Act to reflect a change in the name of a listed species:
- Pultenaea praecipua M.A.M.Renner & P.H.Weston subsp. praecipua
- Eucalyptus cryptica T.C.Wilson, S.Rutherf. & S.M.Douglas
- Genoplesium branwhiteorum M.A.M.Renner & P.H.Weston
- Desmodiopsis campylocaulon (F.Muell. ex Benth.) H.Ohashi & K.Ohashi
- Pultenaea aculeata M.A.M.Renner, P.H.Weston & S.Clarke
- Androcalva rosea (S.A.J.Bell & L.M.Copel.) C.F.Wilkins & Whitlock
- Dendrobium tetragonum var. melaleucaphilum (M.A.Clem & D.L.Jones) Dockrill
- Pteris platyzomopsis Christenh. & H.Schneid.
- Pedleya acanthoclada (F.Muell.) H.Ohashi & K.Ohashi
- Androcalva procumbens (Maiden & Betche) C.F.Wilkins & Whitlock
- Gaudium deanei (Joy Thomps.) Peter G.Wilson
The NSW Threatened Species Scientific Committee, has made a final determination to amend the list of species in Schedule 1, of the Act to correct any minor error:
- Rhodamnia maideniana C.T.White
- Asterolasia beckersii Orme & Duretto
Publication date 28 February 2025

Commersonia rosea (Androcalva rosea)