Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Consultation Requirements for Proponents

Part 6 National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974

Consultation with Aboriginal people is a fundamental part of the Aboriginal heritage impact permit assessment process. This document sets out requirements to consult with Aboriginal people who hold knowledge about the significance of Aboriginal cultural heritage relevant to an application.

1 April 2010
Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water
  • ISBN 978-1-74232-491-3
  • ID DECCW20090781
  • File PDF 4.2MB
  • Pages 36
  • Name aboriginal-cultural-heritage-consultation-requirements-for-proponents-2010-090781.pdf

The Department of Planning and Environment acknowledges that Aboriginal people:

  • should have the right to maintain culture, language, knowledge and identity
  • should have the right to directly participate in matters that may affect their heritage
  • are the primary determinants of the cultural significance of their heritage.

This document focuses on the requirements for consultation with Aboriginal people as part of the heritage assessment process:

  • to determine potential harm on Aboriginal cultural heritage from proposed activities
  • that informs decision making for any application for an Aboriginal heritage impact permit where it is determined harm cannot be avoided.