Throughout the region, maximum temperatures were very-much-above average, while minimum temperatures were above average. Rainfall was average to below average throughout the region during spring. Groundcover throughout the region was stable, which likely helped limit dust activity.
Air quality monitoring in the Namoi North West Slopes Region Spring 2023 seasonal newsletter
Air quality monitoring in the Namoi/North West Slopes Region: Spring 2023
Air quality in the Namoi/North West Slopes region met the national benchmarks on 99% of days during spring 2023 despite the region experiencing dry conditions.
- Date
- 19 December 2024
- Publisher
- Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water
- Type
- Publication, Newsletter
- Cost
- Free
- Language
- English
- Tags
- ISSN 2209-9458
- ID EH20240393
- File PDF 1.5MB
- Pages 12
- Name air-quality-monitoring-network-namoi-spring-2023-240393.pdf