Clybucca Historic Site Plan of Management

Clybucca Historic Site is located 24 kilometres north of Kempsey on the mid-north coast of New South Wales. The historic site comprises three separate areas totalling 459 hectares.

1 September 2007
Department of Environment and Climate Change NSW
Publication, Plan of management, Final
  • ISBN 1-74122-2583
  • ID DECC20070608
  • File PDF 138KB
  • Pages 40
  • Name clybucca-historic-site-plan-of-management-070608.pdf

Clybucca Historic Site was reserved primarily because it contains part of one of the largest estuarine Aboriginal midden complexes recorded in temperate Australia. It is on the Register of the National Estate for its extensive, diverse and well preserved midden deposits that provide a valuable insight into continuous coastal occupation by Aboriginal people.

The site was also an important meeting and sharing place for the Gumbaynggir and Dunghutti nations, a rich source of food, and is part of a mythological and spiritual landscape with high cultural significance to present day Aboriginal people on the mid-north coast.

The natural heritage values of Clybucca Historic Site include littoral rainforest communities, coastal wetlands and estuarine environments. These are estimated to support 135 species of plants and provide habitat for a diversity of fauna species.