Reptile and amphibian rehabilitation

Training standards for the wildlife rehabilitation sector

The department and the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service have collaborated with leading rehabilitation providers to prepare these training standards for reptile and amphibian rehabilitation, for use by trainers in the NSW wildlife rehabilitation sector.

2 October 2024
Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water
Publication, Guideline, Guideline, Guide
  • ISBN 978-1-923285-63-7
  • ID EH20240287
  • File PDF 768KB
  • Pages 18
  • Name reptile-and-amphibian-rehabilitation-training-standards-240287.pdf

These training standards build on the high level of expertise that already exists within the sector and have been designed as a guide to evaluate, develop and support new and existing training. The intended outcome is to ensure minimum training standards are in place for volunteers across the sector, as recommended in the NSW volunteer wildlife rehabilitation sector strategy (DPIE 2020). This will give greater certainty about the quality of care afforded to reptiles and amphibians in rehabilitation.

These standards must be used for delivering introductory training for reptile and amphibian rehabilitation. They describe the skills and knowledge that such training must include to ensure volunteers meet the requirements of the NSW Code of practice for injured or sick reptiles and amphibians (DCCEEW 2024). Any person with an authority to rescue and rehabilitate reptiles and amphibians in New South Wales must be trained to these standards and be assessed as competent.