BOS Support provides interested participants with a regular forum to learn more about the Biodiversity Offsets Scheme and Biodiversity Assessment Method (BAM), directly ask questions and stay up to date on news relating to the BOS.
Participants have an opportunity to complete a short feedback survey at the end of each webinar, including telling us which topics you would like to have covered in a future webinar and suggestions for improvements in webinar delivery.
Contact us at BAM Support to provide webinar suggestions, recommend future topics or troubleshoot issues relating to webinar registration or access.
BOS Support webinar recordings
Webinar presentations are recorded and will be made available to view online as soon as possible after the live event.
BOS Support webinar recordings
Webinar questions and answers
There will be an opportunity to ask questions throughout the webinar and they will be addressed during the Q&A session.
The Q&A session is not included in the recording. Accompanying Q&A will be attached below each webinar recording as soon as possible after the live event, including unanswered questions. Published questions will remain anonymous. Processing times may vary depending on the number of questions and associated resourcing requirements.
Responses to frequently asked questions will be provided on the Assessor questions and answers and Local government questions and answers pages if applicable. These questions will also contribute to the development of future webinars and other BOS support resources.
If you have any more questions after the live event, first check the information available on our webpage. If you can’t find an answer online, send your questions to BOS Support.
The department website meets the Australian Government standards established for web accessibility. For more information, go to the accessibility webpage.
Closed captions are available during BOS Support webinars and webinar recordings. Availability of closed caption on webinar recording may take 5-10 business days because of processing requirements. In the interim, a written transcript is available on request. Contact BAM Support for more information.