Clyde River National Park management documents

The following list includes management documents for this park.

Park management documents such as plans of management, statements of management intent and fire management strategies detail how we manage parks. When needed, we also develop pest and weed management strategies, master plans and other strategies.

Clyde River National Park Plan of Management

  • 1 Jan 2012
  • Publication, Plan of management
  • ISBN 978-1-74293-499-0
  • PDF 1.7MB

Clyde River National Park is located on the Clyde River approximately 5 kilometres north-west of Batemans Bay. The park was established in 2001 and consists of several sections with a total area of 1,278 hectares.

Clyde River National Park Fire Management Strategy

  • 1 Mar 2007
  • Publication, Fire management strategy
  • PDF 3.6MB

This fire management strategy incorporates Clyde River National Park.