Mungo National Park management documents
The following list includes management documents for this park.
Park management documents such as plans of management, statements of management intent and fire management strategies detail how we manage parks. When needed, we also develop pest and weed management strategies, master plans and other strategies.
Mungo National Park Conservation Management and Cultural Tourism Management Plan
Mungo National Park Conservation Management and Cultural Tourism Management Plan
- 1 Mar 2003
- Publication, Conservation management plan
- ISBN 0-73136-6859
- PDF 10.2MB
Mungo National Park Plan of Management
Mungo National Park Plan of Management
- 1 Jul 2006
- Publication, Plan of management
- ISBN 1-74122-0319
- PDF 924KB
Mungo National Park is situated in south-western NSW in an area known as the Willandra Lakes region. It is 110 kilometres north-east of the Victorian/New South Wales border towns of Mildura/Wentworth and 140 kilometres north-west of the New South Wales town of Balranald. The park covers an area of 90,256 hectares, of which approximately 60,000 hectares falls within the Willandra Lakes Region World Heritage Area.