Mutawintji Historic Site management documents
The following list includes management documents for this park.
Park management documents such as plans of management, statements of management intent and fire management strategies detail how we manage parks. When needed, we also develop pest and weed management strategies, master plans and other strategies.
Mutawintji National Park, Mutawintji Historic Site and Mutawintji Nature Reserve Aboriginal Ownership and Leaseback Agreement
Mutawintji National Park, Mutawintji Historic Site and Mutawintji Nature Reserve Aboriginal Ownership and Leaseback Agreement
- 1 Sep 1998
- Aboriginal joint management agreement, Aboriginal ownership and leaseback
- PDF 449KB
Mutawintji Lands Plan of Management
Mutawintji Lands Plan of Management
- 1 May 2013
- Publication, Plan of management
- ISBN 978-1-74359-284-7
- PDF 3.1MB
The Mutawintji Lands consist of Mutawintji National Park (68,912 hectares), the Mutawintji Historic Site (486 hectares) and the Mutawintji Nature Reserve (6,688 hectares), known as the “Mutawintji Lands”, or the “Lands” and is located 130 kilometres north-east of Broken Hill in far western New South Wales.