Wollemi National Park management documents

The following list includes management documents for this park.

Park management documents such as plans of management, statements of management intent and fire management strategies detail how we manage parks. When needed, we also develop pest and weed management strategies, master plans and other strategies.

Greater Blue Mountains World Heritage Area Strategic Plan

  • 1 Jan 2009
  • Publication, Strategic plan
  • ISBN 978-1-74122-960-8
  • PDF 5.5MB

The Greater Blue Mountains World Heritage Area Strategic Plan provides broad principles for the integrated management, protection, interpretation and monitoring of the parks and reserves that make up this World Heritage area.

Wollemi National Park Plan of Management

  • 1 Apr 2001
  • Publication, Plan of management
  • ISBN 0-73136-9793
  • PDF 620KB

Wollemi National Park covers an area of about 488,620 hectares of rugged dissected plateau located on the north-west fringe of the Sydney Basin. The park is the second largest national park in New South Wales. It is part of a large system of unmodified and interconnected sandstone landscapes surrounding the Sydney metropolitan area.

Wollemi National Park Fire Management Strategy

  • 1 Mar 2006
  • Publication, Fire management strategy
  • ISBN 1-74137-4111
  • PDF 4.8MB

This fire management strategy incorporates Wollemi National Park.