Sources for the BioNet flora and fauna records include:
- survey data held in the Systematic Survey data collections
- the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water, including data from the Royal Botanic Gardens herbarium database, and from National Parks and Wildlife staff
- data submitted by ecological consultants, research scientists, and others (as part of the scientific licence procedure)
- data provided by other agencies, such as Forests NSW, the Australian Museum and the Australian Bird and Bat Banding Scheme
- historical reports
- the general public.
Who uses BioNet Atlas information?
The records in the Atlas are used by a wide variety of people, including:
- people who want to know more about species occurring in their local area
- academics and researchers working in particular areas or on particular species
- students doing school projects
- consultants undertaking environmental impact assessments
- land holders undertaking development clearing or private native forestry applications
- State and Commonwealth government departments for conservation planning and land management
- local government agencies for local planning purposes
- local land services.
Handling of sensitive species data
Sensitive species are a relatively small subset of threatened species that are sensitive to human impact and protected by law.
Access to sensitive species locations is strictly managed through sensitive species data licensing. The licensing is linked to a user's BioNet Atlas login credentials. Sensitive species locations can't be passed on to others.
All BioNet Atlas data is managed and only made available under the terms and conditions of the department's Sensitive Species Data Policy.