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Threatened Species (and endangered populations) at risk of Serious and Irreversible Impacts nomination form

The purpose of this form is to provide a nomination to the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water for the addition to, or removal of a species from, the published Serious and Irreversible Impacts list.


Note that all reference to threatened species on this page also include endangered populations.

This form may also be used to nominate a change to the current Serious and Irreversible Impacts (SAII) principles that a species is listed under. In addition, it may be used to provide feedback on a proposed update to a SAII species (or endangered population) listing on public display.

This nomination form consists of a series of questions to help you provide the information necessary to address the criteria for SAII listing. If additional information is required to support your nomination, you will be contacted to provide this.

Please also refer to the Guidance to assist a decision-maker in determining a serious and irreversible impact, section 9.1 of the Biodiversity Assessment Method and the department's Serious and irreversible impacts webpage for information on the SAII criteria and the current list of SAII entities.

This form is designed for species only. If you wish to nominate a threatened ecological community for addition, amendment to applicable principles, or removal from the published SAII list, please use the threatened ecological community nomination form.

Nomination process

Once the department receives a nomination that is adequately supported with evidence, it will be publicly displayed. The nomination and any feedback received during the public display period will be reviewed by the Science, Economics and Insights Division and an internal subject matter expert. If the decision is made that the threatened species does meet the criteria for listing as at risk of SAII or that its current listing needs to be changed, this will occur at the next annual update to the list of entities. Changes are made to the list of entities based on the precautionary principle and the best available scientific information.

Accredited assessors and subscribing local government officers are notified when changes occur to the list.

The information you provide in this form will only be used for the purpose for which it was collected. By submitting, you consent to storage, use and disclosure of your personal information in accordance with our privacy policy. You can request access to and amendment of your personal information.

Your details

Insert your ful name

Insert organisation or corporation

Insert best contact number

Insert email address
Threatened species details

Insert scientific name

Insert common name

Insert background information

Background on the species, including relevant listing history such as when was it listed and why, whether it is also listed under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act), whether it is being managed under a Saving Our Species, or other project. Include any information from the Final Determination that is relevant to the SAII nomination.

General SAII information

Evidence supporting the listing of a principles

Principle 1

If the nomination includes addition to, or removal from Principle 1, add supporting information. Include all information required to support your nomination.

The species has an observed, estimated, inferred, suspected or projected population reduction of ≤80% in 10 years or 3 generations (whichever is longer) (Guidance to assist a decision-maker in determining a serious and irreversible impact).

Provide an estimate of the:

  • decline in population size of the species in New South Wales in the past 10 years or three generations (whichever is longer)
  • decline in population size of the species in New South Wales in the past 10 years or three generations (whichever is longer) as indicated by: an index of abundance appropriate to the species; decline in geographic distribution and/or habitat quality; exploitation; effect of introduced species, hybridisation, pathogens, pollutants, competitors or parasites.

Note: Please provide sufficient data to demonstrate the principle has been met, and ensure the data provided aligns with the time periods listed in the Guidance, i.e. in the past 10 years or three generations.

For example, list of maps showing distribution, survey data, reports or publications, unpublished information, etc.

Note all written sources, published and unpublished.

Principle 2

If the nomination includes addition to, or removal from Principle 2, add supporting information. Include all information required to support your nomination.

Refer to the Guidance to assist a decision-maker in determining a serious and irreversible impact for details on very small population size for species considered to be critically endangered by International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

Provide an estimate of the:

  • species' current population size in New South Wales
  • decline in the species' population size in New South Wales in three years or one generation (whichever is longer)
  • number of mature individuals in each subpopulation, or the percentage of mature individuals in each subpopulation, or whether the species is likely to undergo extreme fluctuations, if this information is available.

Note: Please provide sufficient data to demonstrate the principle has been met, and ensure the data provided aligns with the time periods listed in the Guidance, i.e. in three years or one generation.

For example, list of maps showing distribution, survey data, reports or publications, unpublished information, etc.

Note all written sources, published and unpublished.

Principle 3

If the nomination includes addition to, or removal from Principle 3, add supporting information. Include all information required to support your nomination.

Refer to the Guidance to assist a decision-maker in determining a serious and irreversible impact for details on very limited geographic distribution for species considered to be critically endangered by IUCN. Refer to the Biodiversity Assessment Method glossary for definitions of extent of occurrence and area of occupancy.

Provide evidence of:

  • the extent of occurrence
  • the area of occupancy
  • the number of threat-defined locations (geographically or ecologically distinct areas in which a single threatening event may rapidly affect all species occurrences)
  • whether the species' population is likely to undergo extreme fluctuations.

Note: Please provide sufficient data to demonstrate the principle has been met, and ensure the data provided aligns with the units of measure listed in the Guidance, i.e. km2.

For example, list of maps showing distribution, survey data, reports or publications, unpublished information, etc.

Note all written sources, published and unpublished.

Principle 4

If the nomination includes addition to, or removal from Principle 4, add supporting information. Include all information required to support your nomination.

Refer to the Guidance to assist a decision-maker in determining a serious and irreversible impact for details on species that cannot be offset because the entity is unlikely to respond to management.

Provide evidence if:

  • known reproductive characteristics severely limit the ability to increase the existing population on, or occupy new habitat (e.g. species is clonal) on, a biodiversity stewardship site
  • the species is reliant on abiotic habitats which cannot be restored or replaced (e.g. karst systems) on a biodiversity stewardship site
  • life history traits and/or ecology is known but the ability to control key threatening processes at a biodiversity stewardship site is currently negligible (e.g. frogs severely impacted by chytrid fungus).

Note: Please provide sufficient data and detail to demonstrate the principle has been met.

For example, list of maps showing distribution, survey data, reports or publications, unpublished information, etc.

Note all written sources, published and unpublished.


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