Biodiversity Offsets Scheme guide to using the payment portal
This guide outlines how to pay the transfer and retirement application fee via the BOS payment portal.
Publisher: Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water
Cost: Free
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1-923200-12-8
ID: EH 2024/0110
File: PDF 1.45 MB / Pages 14
Name: bos-payment portal-guide-240110.pdf
If you are applying to transfer or retire biodiversity credits from the Biodiversity Offsets Scheme (BOS), you must pay an application fee (transfer and retirement application fee).
The BOS payment portal will shorten the time to process your transfer or retirement application. We strongly encourage you to use it where possible.
If you have not chosen your payment method on the transfer or retirement application form, please include those details in the email you send with your application.