The upgraded Light to Light Walk will support visitors in undertaking an immersive multi-day experience with a range of overnight options in one of the most impressive settings in Australia.
The project will deliver a spectacular 32–kilometre coastal walk, supported by new hut accommodation and upgraded camping facilities, in Beowa National Park on the Sapphire Coast of New South Wales.
What the project involves
The upgraded Light to Light Walk will allow a range of visitors to undertake a multi-day walk that highlights the many special characteristics of the Far South Coast, including remoteness, coastal connection, and cultural heritage.
The walk can be undertaken as self-guided or guided by licensed commercial tour operators offering various levels of service to individuals or groups. All overnight options along the walk will be owned and managed by the National Parks and Wildlife Service.
Accommodation will range from low-key campsites where walkers need to bring everything to huts with simple bedding and cooking facilities.
The Light to Light Walk will promote the region's important environmental, cultural and heritage aspects, and provide physical and mental health benefits through increased access to the natural environment.
Funding and timeframe
This $7.9 million project is funded through Restart NSW's Regional Growth – Environment and Tourism Fund and the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service – Improving Access to National Parks Program.
Upgrades to the Light to Light Walk are currently being undertaken in stages to minimise disruption to visitors. The first stage of work involves upgrading and realigning sections of the current track, repairing tracks damaged by bushfire and storms, constructing new sections of walking track, and closing and rehabilitating sections of track no longer required. This work commenced in late March 2023 and is anticipated to be complete in January 2025.
Extreme weather events, such as storms, extended periods of rain, or high fire danger, could cause the completion date to be delayed. You can view details of upcoming and active track closures on the National Parks and Wildlife Service website.
Why we are doing this and who benefits
There has been an increase in visitation to national parks on the south coast by 29% over the last 10 years and this project will support the growing interest in nature-based experiences and multi-day walks in national parks.
Upgrading the Light to Light Walk and providing a broader range of accommodation and additional campsites will make it easier for inexperienced walkers to participate in a multi-day walk. New and upgraded facilities along the walk will also make people's experience more enjoyable.
The upgrade will help boost the local and regional economy by drawing new visitors to the region and providing opportunities for the tourism industry, including tour operators, transport, accommodation, and hospitality services. The walk will be a key attraction for the region's tourism industry.
Additionally, the project will provide opportunities to strengthen local and regional partnerships, including working with the Aboriginal community.
Protecting park values
Our national parks are managed to protect their unique values and provide for sustainable visitor use and enjoyment. This includes providing visitor experiences, new and upgraded facilities and a range of accommodation options where appropriate.
Environmental and cultural heritage assessments were conducted before the 2019–20 bushfires and were re-done after the fires to provide the most up-to-date information. This supports the need to ensure that public visitation and enjoyment is compatible with the protection of conservation values.
Reflecting a sense of place
The proposed upgrades will offer a wider range of visitors an opportunity to experience a diverse range of landscapes while connecting with the dramatic coastline as they make their way from Boyds Tower in the north to Green Cape Lighthouse in the south. The walk will provide new opportunities for learning about the park's cultural history and biodiversity, including the ecology of local landscapes, culture and wildlife such as seals, seabirds and whales.
Interpretation through innovative storytelling is one of the most effective ways to enhance a multi-day walk and achieve an 'experience of a lifetime' for walkers. Developing rich and engaging interpretation, including opportunities for local Aboriginal guided experiences, will be a key focus to immerse the walker in the natural and cultural landscape and help create respect, a strong connection and sense of place.
Engaging stakeholders
We continue to consult with key community representatives through the Light to Light Walk Stakeholder Reference Group established in 2021. We have also sought public submissions on key proposals such as the Ben Boyd National Park Plan of Management, the Light to Light Walk Strategy, and the Review of Environmental Factors.
Read more about the Stakeholder Reference Group
Those interested in learning more are invited to register their interest and to receive regular updates on the project.
Additional projects in Beowa National Park
Several other projects are being undertaken in Beowa National Park, which are separate from the Light to Light Walk project but will support the experience of Light to Light and general visitors. Each of these projects is subject to its own environmental assessments where required.
Check the Beowa National Park alerts on the National Parks and Wildlife website for up-to-date information on closures.
Boyds Tower precinct upgrade
The 2019–2020 bushfires heavily impacted the Boyds Tower precinct, and an upgrade of existing facilities was essential. These upgrades were an opportunity to deliver major improvements to meet increased visitor demand and make this unique site accessible to a broad range of ages and abilities.
Work was completed in December 2022 to:
- upgrade the walking track with several viewing points and create a new step-off point for the Light to Light Walk
- improve the existing information shelter, including new seating and accessible toilet facilities
- make this site more convenient to visitors with a broad range of abilities, with wheelchair access from the car park to Boyds Tower and provide wheelchair accessible lookouts
- increase the car park capacity from 10 to 22
- improve finding interpretive signage to enhance visitors' experience of the area.
Bittangabee Bay visitor precinct upgrade
Upgrades were completed in February 2023 to provide high-quality experiences to a broad range of visitors while reducing environmental impacts and increasing Aboriginal cultural heritage protection.
Works have been completed to:
- provide a new cultural camp for the Aboriginal community
- upgrade road and track surface drainage and improve traffic flow throughout the precinct
- landscape and improve walking track network to level and better define campsites
- upgrade and define campgrounds and day use area facilities
- upgrade toilet facilities and signage.
Mowarry campground upgrade
Upgrades were completed in January 2024 to provide low-impact camping for visitors.
Work completed include:
- 10 hardwood-raised camping platforms
- 3 crushed rock camping pads
- dual-stall toileting facilities and rainwater tank.

One of the newly constructed hardwood camping platforms at Mowarry campground.
Green Cape car park upgrade
Upgrades to Green Cape car park were completed in April 2024 to allow for easier parking, a turn-around bay and bus parking.
The new car park upgrade also includes:
- bench seats
- interpretation shelter
- clearly defined parking spaces including an accessibility space
- safer walkways
- improved battering and erosion control
- a new take-off and end point for the Light to Light Walk.
Project updates

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- Light to Light Walk Strategy
- Light to Light Walk Upgrade Draft Review of Environmental Factors Submissions Report
- Light to Light Walk Review of Environmental Factors
- Addendum to Light to Light Review of Environmental Factors
- Ben Boyd National Park and Bell Bird Creek Nature Reserve Plan of Management Amendment
- Ben Boyd National Park and Bell Bird Creek Nature Reserve amendment to the plan of management
- Ben Boyd National Park and Bell Bird Creek Nature Reserve Plan of Management Amendment
- Ben Boyd National Park Light to Light Walk Public Exhibition Report
- Beowa National Park Light to Light Walk Strategy