Landslides and rockfalls procedures
Practical guidance for implementing the Landslides and Rockfalls Policy
These procedures provide practical support for implementing the Landslides and Rockfalls Policy. They provide a consistent process for the National Parks and Wildlife Service’s management of landslides and rockfalls in NSW parks.
Publisher: Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water
Cost: Free
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1-922317-82-7
ID: EHG20240042
File: PDF 2.91 MB / Pages 46
Name: landslides-rockfalls-procedures-240042.pdf
These procedures address the risks of landslides and rockfalls to:
- park visitors
- National Parks and Wildlife Service workers, contractors and volunteers working in parks
- assets and visitor facilities in parks
- properties and lands adjoining parks.
First published in February 2020; reprinted February 2024 with amendments.