This policy provides guidance about how archaeological sites subject to approvals under the Heritage Act 1977 should be investigated and managed by qualified and experienced people known as excavation directors.
This addendum to the NSW biodiversity offsets policy for major projects establishes a framework to measure and address the impact of subsidence associated with longwall mining on upland swamps.
This review addresses the environmental impact assessment requirements for a proposed series of reburial activities involving Willandra Lakes Aboriginal Ancestors within the WIllandra Lakes Region World Heritage Area.
This statement outlines the main values, issues and management directions for Bull Island Nature Reserve and Smiths Lake Nature Reserve and will guide the management of the nature reserves until a plan of management has been prepared.
Statement of management intentBull Island Nature Reserve
This statement outlines the main values, issues and management directions for Bulahdelah State Conservation Area and will guide the management of the state conservation area until a plan of management has been prepared.
Statement of management intentBulahdelah State Conservation Area
This statement outlines the main values, issues and management directions for Bugan Nature Reserve and will guide the management of the nature reserve until a plan of management has been prepared.
Statement of management intentBugan Nature Reserve
This statement outlines the main values, issues and management directions for Buddigower Nature Reserve and will guide the management of the nature reserve until a plan of management has been prepared.
Statement of management intentBuddigower Nature Reserve
This Review of Environmental Factors was prepared to allow the consideration of the potential environmental impacts associated with the development of a new camping area, separate day use area and walking track in the vicinity of Unicorn Falls in Mount Jerusalem National Park.