The NSW Government is investing $100 million over five years in saving more threatened animals and plants from extinction. The funds are allocated from 2016 to 2021 to Saving our Species, NSW’s leading threatened species conservation program.
This statement meets the NSW Government’s obligations to outline the annual environmental watering priorities for the Lachlan Water Resource Plan area (WRP area) as set out in Part 4, Division 4 of Chapter 8: Environmental watering plan of the Murray–Darling Basin Plan 2012.
This statement meets the New South Wales Government’s obligations to outline the annual environmental watering priorities for the Gwydir Water Resource Plan Area (WRP Area) as set out in Part 4, Division 4 of Chapter 8: Environmental watering plan of the Murray–Darling Basin Plan.
This statement meets the NSW Government’s obligations to outline the annual environmental watering priorities for the Gwydir Water Resource Plan Area (WRP area) as set out in Part 4, Division 4 of Chapter 8: Environmental watering plan of the Murray–Darling Basin Plan 2012.
The Flying-fox Camp Management Policy 2015 empowers land managers, primarily local councils, to work with their communities to manage flying-fox camps effectively. The main purpose of this policy is to minimise health and amenity impacts of flying-fox camps on people at the same time as avoiding unnecessary harm to flying-foxes.
We manage allocated environmental water, including adaptive environmental water licences held by the NSW Government and held water allocations established under water sharing plans.
This policy recognises the shared goals of government and the community in promoting the sustainable conservation, management and wise use of wetlands in NSW and the need for all stakeholders to work together to protect wetland ecosystems and their catchments.
This annual plan outlines the rationale and intention for use of water for the environment for the Snowy and Snowy montane rivers for the 2022–23 water year and gives effect to the NSW Government’s commitment to implement the Snowy Water Initiative on behalf of the partner governments.