Air quality monitoring network review | Air
New South Wales led the national process reviewing the design of Australian air quality monitoring networks.

How and why we monitor air pollution | Air
The Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water is accredited by the National Association of Testing Authorities for the operation and maintenance of various air quality instrumentation (accreditation number 14209).

Credit supply and demand information | Biodiversity Offsets Scheme
Learn about credit supply and demand dynamics, drivers and usage. Access summary tables and find potential buyers or sellers through registers and catalogues.

Lower Hunter particle characterisation study | Air
Learn more about the findings from the scientific study investigating the sources of particle pollution in the Lower Hunter.

About the air program | Air
The Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water's Air program is a major NSW Government program that has operated for over 60 years.

A better air quality website and data delivery service for New South Wales | Air
Air quality data acquisition, reporting and data delivery are a core business of the Climate and Atmospheric Science Branch (CAS), Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water.
About coastal management | Coasts
The NSW Government's vision is for thriving and resilient communities living and working on a healthy coast, now and into the future.
Assessing the community benefit of land acquisition proposals | Establishing new parks
Land that is acquired for new parks can create social and economic changes in local communities. We assess these changes and their predicted impact to help us decide whether to acquire land.
Offer or propose land for the national parks system | Establishing new parks
Tell us about land that you think we could acquire to expand the size and conservation value of the national parks system.
Community acquisition proposal | Establishing new parks
You can suggest we acquire land to include in the NSW national parks system. Complete the community acquisition proposal form and send it to us to assess.