BioNet Qualitative Plant Community Type Taxon data
This Power Query provides an alternative way to access information from BioNet Vegetation Classification for qualitative Plant Community Types.
Publisher: Department of Planning and Environment
Cost: Free
Language: English
File: XLSX 531.15 KB
Name: bionet-qualitative-plant-community-type-taxon-data.xlsx
This refreshable Excel spreadsheet is an alternative way to access BioNet Vegetation Classification for the most up-to-date qualitative Plant Community Type (PCT) species by stratum data. The Excel spreadsheet contains embedded Power Queries which extract data directly from the BioNet databases via BioNet VegetationClassification_PCTDefinition and VegetationClassification_PCTStratumData Web Services.
For guidance on building Power Queries in Excel to extract BioNet data, please refer to the Power Query Quick Guide on the BioNet Web Services web page.