A NSW Government website

State of the Beaches 2023-24 Sydney region

This report summarises the performance of 101 swimming sites in the Sydney region, providing a long-term assessment of how suitable a site is for swimming.
Publisher: Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water
Cost: Free
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1-923285-36-1 / ID: EH20240254
File: PDF 17.29 MB / Pages 153
Name: state-of-the-beaches-2023-24-sydney-region-240254.pdf
Tags: Annual reportBeaches

In 2023–24, 67% of monitored swimming sites in Sydney region were graded Good or Very Good, including 33 ocean beaches.

State of the Beaches 2023–24 Statewide summary

State of the beaches 2023–24 regional reports